Thursday 27 January 2011

The Grace Outpouring by Roy Godwin

My dad posted this book to me, it arrived yesterday morning and I finished it last night. It's a very easy read, but highly recommended. Roy Godwin tells the remarkable story of the events of the last decade or so at the Ffald-y-Brenin retreat centre in South Wales.

I have to admit I was a little sceptical when I started reading this, having read lots of similar books about 'moves of God', which are usually followed by me longing to see the same happen in Salford, but not having a clue what to do about it, so then feeling deflated and a little jealous!

Over the last few years they have seen miraculous healings, nature miracles (including a dried up spring starting to flow again), apparent angelic visitations and on numerous occasions, random passers by being strangely compelled to come into the retreat centre and finding themselves overwhelmed by emotion and the power of God as they come onto the property, often leading to crying or laughing or deep repentance.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes to read stories of supernatural happenings. It raises in me a deep desire to see this stuff happen, and also some questions:
- is this stuff anything to do with what we do (ie intense prayer, great faith etc) or is it purely a sovereign act of God that we have nothing to do with, and just get to join in?
- could this happen in inner city Salford? (please?!)
- is this one of those things where you go there and 'catch it' or is that just Christian tourism?

Anyway, buy this or borrow it, it's a great read and will broaden your view of who God is and what he does, and perhaps give you a hunger to see more of his kingdom, as it has done for me.

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